Choose crossfit – choose functionality

CrossFit is a fundamentally new universal method of physical improvement, which puts at the forefront the implementation of a set of functional movements in the mode of extremely high intensity, as close as possible to mechanically natural.
It’s a highly varied, ever-changing yet optimized workout regimen – the perfect balance of effective traditional strength training and aerobic exercise.

CrossFit vs Traditional Training Programs

The main “trick” of crossfit, which fundamentally distinguishes it from existing training systems, is the alternation of various movements combined into sets, performed in interval mode and allowing you to load the body in different “planes”.
One of the traditional methods of building a workout process used in crossfit is a circular scheme. By analogy with circuit workout, CrossFit noda involves cyclic repetition of a series of exercises, which ends with a short rest interval. Performing a chain of exercises at an accelerated pace allows you to set an incredibly high degree of load with a minimum duration of the session.

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Another difference between the CrossFit noda training concept is the multidirectional focus on the development of several physical qualities at once, so it becomes universal and includes several load blocks at the same time – strength part, gymnastic elements and aerobic exercises.

Universal effectiveness, sports democracy

Although this sport is labeled as a peak intensity workout system, its main advantage is that range of load levels is unimaginably wide. The essence of the program remains the same for athletes of all ages and levels of training, only intensity of training, volume of work and weight loads vary individually.

Fundamental Principles

The followers of the system obey the key principle that has become the motto of CrossFit: “Our specialization is not to specialize.” Thus, the developed fitness method departs from the concentrated work on the development of certain physical skills or qualities, which is typical for most sports disciplines.
It is possible to evenly distribute loads, increase the effectiveness of training, achieve sports goals and at the same time protect yourself from injuries as much as possible by observing a set of principles:
Strength exercises of complex are always interspersed with work in the cardio zone.
CrossFit denies the need for isolated work and the use of complex simulators – only work with your own weight and primitive equipment will help the athlete acquire a super-functional physical form.
More work, less rest – all exercises are performed with maximum calculation, but they necessarily require preliminary working out at a slow pace and perfect technique.

Basic exercises

The CrossFit workout complex is a collective program that includes elements of various sports disciplines and combines them in the most advantageous order. Thus, training arsenal consists of many exercises and their variations that mimic everyday motor activity and are the most natural for muscles and the joint-ligamentous apparatus.
The backbone of the system consists of several basic movements: burpees, twists, explosive push-ups, jump rope, sumo power clean, front rack dumbbell lunges and others.

Choose your direction according to your taste

Although CrossFit multi-training rarely “breaks down” sessions in terms of goals and is more of a universalized training option, it can still be designed with a focus on the development of a certain indicator.
Based on this, in the sports environment there is a conditional division of this discipline into several areas, the alternate use of which allows the athlete to shift the workout focus in favor of more priority tasks:
Classic CrossFit is an authentic version of training that involves working on a versatile and balanced preparation of an athlete using constantly changing sequences of basic movements.
CrossFit Endurance is an option for ardent athletics fans. Training of this type is built on the predominant entry into the complex of aerobic exercises, the development of the athlete’s speed qualities and endurance. Power block included in program is designed to complement the effect of cardio loads.
Power crossfit is an alternative to “hall” classes for strongmen. The complex is based on anaerobic multi-joint exercises with free weights, which are performed taking into account the basic requirements of the fitness system – they bring different muscle groups to work, without stopping at pumping one. CrossFit strength program includes 3 mandatory elements as standard: squats, push-pull exercises (pulls and presses) and aerobic movements.

Are there any drawbacks to the system?

CrossFit is extremely effective, but far from the most progressive system. In niche of universal training schemes, she occupies a leading position, however, in specific training, a crossfitter will not compete with a highly specialized professional athlete. So, for example, in strength disciplines, an athlete practicing crossfit will definitely lose to an experienced powerlifter. However, is it really such a disadvantage if your main goal is a physically trained and proportionately developed body?

How to make a training plan and organize a lesson?

Since workouts operate with a diverse arsenal of effective movements, and therefore are quite free in their construction, most of the uninitiated create an erroneous judgment about the unsystematic preparation of lesson plans. In fact, workouts are always ordered and subject to certain rules:

  • Rule 1: Each workout begins with a 10-minute aerobic warm-up.
  • Rule 2: Process of drawing up a training plan is a creative search for the most progressive and optimal working schemes, so the exercises can be “crossed” in any convenient order, focusing on the main goal.
  • Rule 3: The program cycle consists of daily training blocks – WOD (Workout Of the Day). There are several options for conducting a training day – you can devote it to one exercise, trying to perform it at the maximum pace, or combine 3-4 multidirectional movements.
  • Rule 4: The duration of a lesson should not exceed half an hour as a standard.
  • Rule 5: The number of training days per week can vary from 3 to 5 depending on the professional level of the athlete.
  • Rule 6: A lesson can be organized in two ways: by limiting it by time or by the number of exercises.